Hello! My name is Benny Urban and I'm a professional snowboarder from Germany, currently living in Innsbruck, Austria with my girlfriend. I’ve had so many years of being on snowboard trips, jumping out of the car, looking at spots and getting soaked feet because I wasn’t wearing the right footwear.

“With this new style, the problem is solved. You've got a regular looking skate shoe that you can go out to the bar in, you can go to the grocery store but it still looks like you're wearing a cool skate shoe. And you're staying dry all the time.”

Even if you're jumping out of the car and walking
through the powder to check out some spots
“It’s the perfect shoe for me. It's basically my "go-to" for the winter when I'm not in my snowboard boots.”
Benny Urban :@b_urbs Elisa Profanter :@elisaprofanter
Photographer : Luca Crivelli / @lucacriv1
Filmer : Fabian F. Fuchs / @thefandfandf